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How to Attract Investors

The challenge of raising funds is the issue that entrepreneurs most often tell me is their biggest challenge.  I have helped hundreds of companies write their executive summary in a way that helps them get noticed by investors.  This article will help.  Let me know what you think.  I would love your feedback on whether this worked for you. 

I have helped hundreds of companies draft their executive summaries with the goal of getting in front of the right potential investors. In that process, I have seen a consistent mistake that many companies make that hurts their ability to attract investors. The most common mistake made by technology-focused companies, whether in software, biotech, mobile apps or other technology fields, in preparing their executive summary is that they do not ask themselves, “What is the investor’s goals and needs in making this investment”. Instead they focus their executive summary too much on how cool and innovative their company’s technology is without translating that in to how will the investors make money.


startups, venture capital, entrepreneurs, technology