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Use of 3.5 GHz Spectrum for Smart Factories

Intriguing piece highlighting ways that non-traditional bidders in FCC auctions are planning to deploy their spectrum holdings for innovative services.  The FCC's 3.5 GHz auction was ground-breaking not only in how access to the band was structured (using a three-tiered access system), but also in that it received widespread participation from a variety of parties -- with more parties seeking to participate than any other spectrum auction thus far.  

As new parties start breaking into the wireless realm, it will be interesting to see if the FCC applies the 3.5 GHz model to other spectrum bands as well as if there will be a greater appetite for other spectrum bands by these new parties.  With more FCC auctions lined up for 2021, including the 2.5 GHz and 3.45-3.55 GHz bands, we will be sure to find out soon!

As more devices are connected and more complex data becomes available, he said, Deere knows its current network capabilities will hit a breaking point — and it sees CBRS spectrum is integral to supporting the capabilities that the company wants for its smart factories of the future.


fcc, spectrum, 5g, auction