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Largest Auction for 5G Spectrum Starts Today!

Today the FCC kicks off bidding in its auction for spectrum in the 3.7-4.2 GHz band, known as the C-band, to support 5G services.  Many have waited a long time for this auction of valuable mid-band spectrum to commence as issues regarding how it can be cleared of incumbent satellite operators have taken years resolved. 

While some have focused on how much revenues the auction will generate (an estimated $52 billion by some reports), I am excited to see how vigorous participation will be.  This is the largest swath of mid-band spectrum the FCC has made available for 5G services.  And as other countries have focused on (or already made available) mid-band spectrum for their 5G plans, the C-band will be vital for U.S. wireless carriers and maintaining the Nation's leadership in 5G.  

This is the FCC’s largest mid-band 5G spectrum auction to date.


fcc, 5g, spectrum