The volatile economic and market conditions of the past 12 months have left many seeking promising returns from what they believe are trusted sources. Enter the fraudsters, who often find their most fertile ground in this environment. I have been amazed at the steady flow of elaborate schemes that have come to light over the past 15 years, both big and small, and economic downturns serve as a breeding ground for creative new devices.  The victims come in all shapes and sizes -- from financial institutions and funds, to sophisticated individual investors and unsuspecting retirees.  Fraud does not discriminate.  A stark reminder that lenders, investors, business owners and other creditors must be vigilant in investigating counterparties, and swift to exercise their rights.  No one wants to find out they have been duped by reading about it in the New York Times.

Our Cross-Border Asset Recovery Practice has helped clients around the globe who have fallen victim to fraud, or have simply found themselves chasing debts owed by those who have gone to great lengths to hide their assets or render themselves judgment-proof.  We pierce through complex fraud and asset-shelter schemes, we employ detailed investigations to find assets in favorable jurisdictions, and we devise and execute litigation strategies to turn claims into recoveries for our clients.