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When will we have a 21st Century Plan for our Waterfront?

As many of you already know a Superior Court Judge has overturned Boston's Downtown Municipal Harbor Plan only because it was approved by the Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs instead of his subordinate, the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.  It is undisputable that both the Baker and Walsh Administrations endorsed the for now vacated plan after much process.  More State proceedings are now likely that may or may not yield exactly the same plan overturned by the Judge.  Since the Commonwealth, the City, and many stakeholders passionate about the Boston waterfront find ourselves in this place, how about having the Legislature and Governor take a fresh look at our 20th century Wetlands (and former Wetlands) laws with an eye toward the 21st century, including the GHG supercharged climate that our children and grandchildren will face.  Let's put everything on the table and then move forward with the result.

“For 30 years, the Commonwealth and municipalities have worked cooperatively to enhance our public waterfronts using the municipal harbor planning process,” said EEA spokeswoman Katie Gronendyke. “Today’s ruling could have a significant impact on years of careful planning and development in communities across Massachusetts.”


chapter 91, wetlands and waterways, judicial deference, climate change, boston, waterfront, resilience