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Venture Fund Returns: Partying Like 1999

The initial public offering market has returned for venture-backed technology companies. Not since 1999 have we seen such a steady stream of IPOs for tech companies. The boom in tech IPOs has resulted in outsized returns for top venture funds. As I have pointed out in prior articles on venture returns, while the majority of venture exits are through M&A exits, the largest returns tend to come from IPOs and a strong IPO market tends to drive stronger returns in the M&A markets as well.

The ven­ture sec­tor has long been de­fined by big wins on dis­rup­tive tech com­pa­nies, bal­anced by far more nu­mer­ous los­ing bets. But in re­cent months, an un­usu­ally large num­ber of ven­ture in­vest­ments have logged multi­bil­lion-dol­lar prof­its, set­ting many firms up for their great­est re­turns since the dot-com boom of the late 1990s.


mergers and acquisitions, technology, entrepreneurs, venture capital, startups, capital markets and securities