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IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Emphasizes Dangers of Climate Change

Today, the IPCC released its Sixth Assessment Report (, which emphasized the dangers of climate change, and that many of the risks associated with climate change are now unavoidable. 

This report will likely provide additional impetus to the Biden Administration's efforts to reduce and manage climate change through a variety of means, including through mandatory financial disclosures (such as the SEC's proposed rule concerning disclosure of climate risk). 

Further, the IPCC is expected to issue an additional report next year that will focus on strategies to halt climate change--that publication will likely lend even further support to the Biden Administration's environmental regulatory efforts.  

Nations have delayed curbing their fossil-fuel emissions for so long that they can no longer stop global warming from intensifying over the next 30 years, though there is still a short window to prevent the most harrowing future, a major new United Nations scientific report has concluded. . . . Even if nations started sharply cutting emissions today, total global warming is likely to rise around 1.5 degrees Celsius within the next two decades, a hotter future that is now essentially locked in. . . . The new report is part of the sixth major assessment of climate science from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which was created in 1988. . . . A third report, also expected next year, will explore more fully strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and halt global warming.


climate change, esg disclosures, sec