8/31/2022 12:20:04 PM Draft SEC Five-Year Strategic Plan Emphasizes Importance of Climate Disclosures By Jacob H. Hupart Recently, the SEC issued its five-year strategic plan for public comment. This strategic plan covers a wide variety of topics, ranging...
8/29/2022 7:33:18 PM The Workplace of Tomorrow is Now: What is Your Strategy? By Michelle Capezza As we approach Labor Day, and continue to emerge from the pandemic restrictions, return to work (and what that might mean in terms of the...
8/29/2022 6:02:00 PM Texas Identifies Financial Companies Targeted For Divestment Due to "Energy Boycott" By Jacob H. Hupart On August 24, 2022, the Texas Comptroller published a list of ten financial companies (only one of which is U.S.-based) and approximately...
8/26/2022 7:26:59 PM Discussing the NASDAQ Board Diversity Rule Challenge By Mintz Board diversity continues to be a concerted area of focus for companies, investors, regulators and other stakeholders. Progress...
8/25/2022 9:43:03 PM Should Quiet Quitting Result in Noisy Terminations? By Jennifer B. Rubin Today's Wall Street Journal piece about the "quiet quitting" backlash raises some good points about workplace performance management. ...
8/25/2022 9:37:21 PM Work From Home No More? By Mintz During the past two and a half years, many white-collar employees worked from home, or, in some cases, from Starbucks, shared work spaces...
8/25/2022 9:22:06 PM Employers Address "Quiet Quitting" By Corbin Carter You've likely heard about the latest term to enter the workplace zeitgeist - "quiet quitting" - from any number of sources, including the...
8/23/2022 8:50:18 PM The Opportunity To Fail By Daniel B. Guggenheim I have enjoyed reading some of the recent press around a large VC investment in the residential rental real estate company launched by...
8/23/2022 6:56:08 PM The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (California Style) By Jennifer B. Rubin We all know the Staples commercial depicting parental glee as they send their children back to school after a (long) summer break. One...
8/19/2022 3:20:09 PM Fed Provides Crypto Guidance – Or Is At Least Willing To “Talk Crypto” By Ed Daley Cory Flashner This week the Federal Reserve (“the Fed”) issued guidance telling all banking organizations that it supervises (“Supervised Banks”) what...
8/12/2022 6:53:30 PM Ohio State Board of Professional Conduct Says Lawyers Can Hold Crypto in Escrow By Ed Daley Get those cold storage crypto wallets ready, Ohio lawyers! The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct issued an advisory opinion allowing...
8/9/2022 5:00:33 PM NY Times Reports on Coordinated Effort by Republican Officeholders to Penalize Companies' Efforts to Reduce GHG Emissions By Jacob H. Hupart The New York Times has reported that the State Financial Officers Association has "push[ed] Republican state treasurers, who are mostly...
8/5/2022 7:43:40 PM Do Job Titles Really Matter? By Jennifer B. Rubin Today's New York Times article about funky pandemic-driven job titles ("Chief Heart Officer" "Head of Dynamic Work" and "Vice President...
8/5/2022 5:39:27 PM Forbes reports that Every U.S. Crypto Exchange is being Investigated by the SEC By Cory Flashner Forbes reported today that “every” U.S. crypto exchange is being investigated by the SEC. Forbes cited to an unnamed staffer for Senator...
8/5/2022 2:02:08 PM Section 18 "Eyeball Reliance" Claim Brought to the SPAC Fight By Mintz As my Mintz colleague, Peter Saparoff, suggested a few years back, Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, "while seldom used...
8/4/2022 4:47:13 PM Senate Bill Defines Bitcoin, Ether as Digital Commodities to be Regulated By CFTC By Ed Daley Following the announcement DOJ/SEC enforcement actions alleged insider trading against a former Coinbase employee, many cried foul at the...