1/12/2022 9:43:55 PM Delaware's Lawsuit Against Fossil Fuel Companies is Remanded to State Court By Jacob H. Hupart The federal district court in Delaware has remanded the climate change lawsuit filed by the State of Delaware against a variety of fossil...
12/20/2021 9:29:52 PM SEC Commissioner Crenshaw Voices Additional Support for ESG Disclosures By Jacob H. Hupart Last week, SEC Commissioner Crenshaw--one of the Democratic members of the SEC Commission--addressed the Center for American Progress and...
12/17/2021 12:15:01 AM Singapore Exchange Mandates Climate Disclosures By Jacob H. Hupart Yesterday, the Singapore Exchange announced that "[a]ll issuers must provide climate reporting on a 'comply or explain' basis in their...
9/17/2021 2:52:19 PM House Oversight Committee Investigating Climate Change Disinformation By Jacob H. Hupart In yet another front of the multifaceted government campaign against climate change, the House Oversight Committee is now investigating...
4/5/2021 12:00:00 AM Second Circuit Rejects Attempt by New York City to Impose Nuisance Liability on Oil Majors By Jacob H. Hupart The Second Circuit has issued a forceful opinion holding that "municipalities may [not] utilize state tort law to hold multinational oil...
3/18/2021 12:00:00 AM Bolstering Social Cost of Carbon in Regulatory Analyses a Game Changer--but Not Always for the Better By Charles A. Samuels There is something very significant going on in the federal regulatory world to which a lot of people need to pay attention, and not just...
2/10/2021 9:36:14 PM Senior Appointee at Department of Energy Reflects Climate Focus By Jacob H. Hupart President Biden has announced his nominee for deputy energy secretary--David Turk, who had, among other things, served as the deputy...
2/2/2021 5:17:10 PM SEC Creates New Position Focused on Climate By Jacob H. Hupart The SEC announced the appointment of Satyam Khanna as "Senior Policy Advisor for Climate and ESG." This is a new position at the SEC,...
12/8/2020 2:00:51 AM International Climate Change Litigation By Jacob H. Hupart Most fossil fuel companies are global corporations, with worldwide operations. Even though the United States is often perceived as one...